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What crops are recommended for the application of amino acid 80% powder?


  • Amino Acid 80 powder is a highly concentrated formulation designed to enhance plant growth and development by providing essential amino acids.
  • This blog explores the recommended crops for the application of amino acid 80% powder and the benefits it offers to agricultural production.

Key Features of Amino Acid 80 Powder

  • High Concentration: Amino Acid 80 powder contains a potent blend of amino acids with an 80% concentration, ensuring maximum nutritional benefits for plants.
  • Versatile Application: The powder can be applied through foliar spray or soil application, making it suitable for a wide range of crops and agricultural systems.

Recommended Crops

  • Cereal Crops: Crops such as rice, wheat, maize, oats, barley, and sorghum benefit from the application of amino acid 80% powder. These staple crops require optimal nutrition for vigorous growth and high yields.
  • Fruit Crops: Fruit-bearing trees and plants, including banana, apple, mango, grapes, and watermelon, can benefit from the nutritional boost provided by amino acid 80% powder. Improved flowering and fruiting contribute to better yields and quality produce.
  • Vegetable Crops: Vegetables such as tomato, potato, spinach, cabbage, and cucumber thrive with the application of amino acid 80% powder. Enhanced nutrient uptake and growth promote healthier plants and increased productivity.
  • Pulses/Oilseed Crops: Legumes like chickpea, soybean, mung bean, and groundnut, as well as oilseed crops such as mustard, benefit from the amino acid 80% powder application. Strong root development and improved nutrient absorption contribute to higher yields.
  • Spices Crops: Spices like chili, turmeric, ginger, and garlic can benefit from the nutritional support provided by amino acid 80% powder. It enhances plant vigor and resilience, leading to better spice quality.
  • Other Crops: Additional crops such as sugarcane, sugar beet, flowers like rose and jasmine, and ornamental plants benefit from the application of amino acid 80% powder. Improved plant health and growth contribute to better overall yield and aesthetics.

Benefits of Amino Acid 80 Powder

  • Enhanced Growth: Amino acid 80% powder promotes vigorous growth in recommended crops, leading to increased biomass and higher yields.
  • Improved Nutrient Uptake: The formulation enhances nutrient absorption by plants, ensuring they receive the necessary elements for optimal growth and development.
  • Stress Resistance: Recommended crops treated with amino acid 80% powder exhibit increased resistance to environmental stresses such as drought, heat, and disease.
  • Better Quality Produce: The nutritional support provided by amino acid 80% powder contributes to improved quality and market value of harvested crops.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: By promoting healthier plant growth and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers, amino acid 80% powder supports sustainable agricultural practices.


  • Amino acid 80% powder offers numerous benefits for a wide range of crops, including cereals, fruits, vegetables, pulses/oilseeds, spices, and ornamental plants.
  • By providing essential nutrients and promoting plant health, amino acid 80% powder contributes to increased yields, improved quality, and sustainable agricultural practices.

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