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Mycorrhiza Fertilizer 6000 IP – Rich Source of Phosphorus with Best Results – 25 kg Loose Bag Packing


930.00 + GST (Rates are Per Kg/Per Liter)


Price Range based on Quantity

Quantity (Kg/Ltr/Nos) Price (Per kg/Ltr/Nos)
1 930.00
5 905.00
25 852.00
50 845.00
500+ 838.00

GST and Transportation Charges are Extra. (Transport Charges are too Pay)

Content: Vasicular arbiscular mycorrhiza 6000 IP/gm


Mycorrhiza is a partnership between a plant and a fungus. The plant produces sugars through photosynthesis and gives them to the fungus, while the fungus provides water and minerals, like phosphorus, to the plant from the soil.


माइकोराहिज़ा एक पौधे और एक कवक के बीच एक साझेदारी है। पौधा फोटोसिंथेसिस के माध्यम से शुगर उत्पन्न करता है और उन्हें कवक को देता है, जबकि कवक मिट्टी से पौधे को पानी और खनिज प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि फॉस्फोरस।


Mycorrhiza Fertilizer 6000 IP is a potent bio-fertilizer that fosters symbiotic relationships between plants and fungi. With its rich source of phosphorus, it enhances root development, soil structure, and nutrient uptake, leading to improved crop yield and resilience against drought.



  • Country Of Origin : India
  • Brand Name: Humic Factory
  • Physical Appearance:- Solid
  • Product Colour:- White
  • Odour:- Mild
  • Solubility:- Water Soluble
  • Shelf Life : 1 Year



  • Increases yield by 30-50%.
  • Enhances uptake of Phosphorus, Zinc, and Sulphur.
  • Increases root biomass and improves soil structure.
  • Provides improved drought resistance.
  • Promotes overall plant health and vigor.


Recommended Crops:

Mycorrhiza Fertilizer 6000 IP is suitable for a wide range of crops, including:

  • Cereal Crops:Rice, Bajra, Wheat, Maize, Oats, Barley, Rye, Millets, Sorghum,etc.
  • Fruit Crops: Banana, Avocados, Apple, Guava, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Grapes, Pomegranate, Dragon Fruit, Watermelon etc.
  • Vegetable Crops: Potato, Tomato, Okra, Cabbage, Spinach, Bitter gourd, Bottlegourd, Cucumber, Capsicum, etc.
  • Pulses/Oilseed Crops: Chick pea, Mung bean, Castor, Groundnut, Mustard, Cotton, Soybean, Rapeseed etc.
  • Spices Crops: Chilli, Turmeric, Ginger, Clove, Garlic, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Pepper etc.
  • OtherCrops: Sugarcane, Sugar beet, Rose, Tuberose, Tulips, Carnation, Marigold, Aster, Sun Flower, Jasmine, etc.


How To Use:

For soil application, apply 100 gm per acre through drip irrigation, ensuring thorough coverage. For seed treatment, use 50 gm per kg of seeds and soak for 1 hour before planting.


Storage Condition:

Store the product in its original container in a clean, cool, and dry place away from direct sunlight. Use before the expiration date printed on the package to ensure maximum efficacy.



Mix the product well in water before use. Keep out of reach of children and avoid swallowing or inhaling. In case of accidental ingestion, treat symptomatically and seek medical advice if necessary.

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